Friday, March 21, 2014

2014-05 Bozeman

The first day of Spring is upon us, the date when Montanans respectfully ask the Deity to refrain from 2-foot snow dumps until September next. The plea is often ignored. But last week as the east coast was enduring another horrific 6-inch snowmageddon, I sat on the balcony enjoying 60+ degree sunshine. We used to blame the Soviet Union for weather manipulation…someone should check Vlad’s intentions thereabouts.

And I just looked out the window. It’s snowing…


The Crimean situation has got me to thinking…Idaho has a funny shape and is largely populated by a quirky citizenry. I wonder if a movement to annex might gather some steam (Montanaho?) I plan to ask around. If it works, watch out Wyoming.


Work on the Paris apartment is apparently proceeding apace, and thus my next geographical transition may be in the works. I am however pixelated by an issue that may visit upon me some significant challenge.

Several weeks ago as I exited the 46 bus I was shocked to see a 4-foot x 3-foot poster in the bus shelter sporting a picture of the Duck Dynasty foursome in full camouflage announcing (in French, of course) the imminent arrival of the series to French TV (no Fox News, but Duck Commander. Go figure).

I may be called upon to explain this phenomenon, as I was 3+ decades ago when I first breached Gaullic shores to be greeted by “Vous ĂȘtes amĂ©ricain? Ah oui. Chicago, Al Capone, bang-bang.”

I was hard pressed to explain why I did not have a six-shooter strapped to my hip and queried whether I planned to commit mayhem during my stay. The canard crowd’s introduction to France may well release a new demand for explanation of bizarre North American behavior. Wasn’t easy then and won’t be now.


MH370 consumes us and illustrates our intolerance of the unknown. The demand for instant clarification (if not gratification) spawns a genuine scramble for illumination. “We just don’t have a clue” doesn’t cut it in a post-NSA environment. Just as we were getting initiated to a “government knows everything” mentality, we must now grapple with a Sargent Schultz (I know nothing) mindset.


It will, of course, be deemed mean-spirited that I recall the current Administration’s 2009 attempt to “mend international fences”, confronting a planet disdainful of the USA that had allegedly reached a high point reminiscent of the dark days of the Vietnam war. I do wonder if there is a country out there that now has an improved view of Uncle Sam. International BLOG recipients, feel free to chime in.

In that vein, as Uncle Sam transitioned over the last century to Uncle Sugar, a dichotomy persists. On the one hand we are the overbearing, meddling, policeman-of-the planet, while on the other the world seems perplexed when we don’t rush in where they all fear to tread.

It appears that our current President now shares a less than illustrious trait with his predecessor: he can do no right.


I am beginning to question the wisdom of 3 months in the cradle of gastronomy. I returned from the City of Light with a “baguette belly” that has persisted as deep snow and howling winds have thwarted thrice weekly slogs. But my accommodation in Paris is situated on a wide boulevard with a central pedestrian area that diminishes (but does not eliminate) the possibility of collision with mechanized conveyances.

I am impressed with the number of joggers nowadays on the streets of Paris. Decades ago anyone running was deemed to be a lawbreaker fleeing a scene of carnage or pillage. Now there are even jogging groups in the city, though populated mostly by Scandinavians and North Americans. And the elderly are still inclined to stare at fully clothed streakers.

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