Sunday, May 3, 2009

2009-12 BOZEMAN

A new week and another depressing news cycle. While much of the planet is gearing up to panic over Swine Flu or reeling over the Spector/Souter bombshells, I am in haute colore over H and ZAP. These may not be familiar terms, as the networks, cable outlets, and New York Times apparently deem them unworthy of commentary. But the dread FOXNews, in yet another example of anti-politically correct hooliganism had the temerity to inform me of the latest feel-good craze sweeping our nation’s middle and high schools.

Apparently a growing number of our cradles of learning are scuttling the grade “F” in favor of “H” for Hold, and “ZAP” for Zeros Aren’t Permitted. It seems that massive studies conducted with federal grant money have determined that failure is generating angst in the nation’s young. So now when you miss the minimum work requirements in a class you receive an H, which I gather is saying “you failed but it doesn’t matter, so don’t let it upset you.”

Since zeros are typically assigned for failure to complete and turn in required assignments, you now avoid a goose egg and are assigned a ZAP. This affords the opportunity to express remorse and complete the requirement late. No deadlines are established of course, but there have been suggestions that a series of ZAPs could possibly lead to a final grade of H. No official response yet from the Obama Administration, but in its rush to create a blameless society (unless you are a banker or business executive, of course) I anticipate its tacit if not overt approval. And so we transition from “No child left behind” to “No youngster inconvenienced.”

The liberal Senator and Ambassador Daniel Patrick Monaghan addressed with eloquence and passion the debilitating “dumbing down of America” and its demoralizing effects on the body politic. But even more egregious than moral decay are the economic and social effects. Children in increasing numbers will graduate with a straight H average, but because they have not mastered the most basic of skills they are labeled victims, unable to find meaningful work, prime candidates to be scammed by unscrupulous businessfolk, and destined to be shunned by their more learned brethren and sistern. But, praise be, their psyches will remain intact. It hurts my head!


Conscience or cacodoxy? Arlan Spector’s ship jump is cataclysmically good or bad depending on which side of the aisle you hang your hat. When Al Franken finally takes his seat in the Senate as most expect he eventually will, Democrats will control The White House and have veto-proof majorities in both Houses of Congress, the political nirvana of which most can only dream. Or so thought Bill Clinton when he was so anointed in 1992, only to watch in horror as significant defections from his own party torpedoed his healthcare initiative.

I have respected Spector even though we often disagreed. But the reality that he might have lost a conservative challenge from his own party taints the move a bit and suggests a wiff of self preservation. Party affiliation changes have occurred rarely but consistently throughout the history of our Republic, but never with such potential watershed effect as this. Two months ago he affirmed in plainspoken terms that he would forever remain a Republican. Then he reviewed polls which suggested he may have difficulty in the next Republican primary. Not the highest moral conviction on record nor a Profile in Courage. But in truth he has voted increasingly as a Democrat, and so the change was de facto in any event.

David Broder’s withering column in the NYT was captioned “Spector the Defector.” Perhaps the most respected journalist in America today, he noted an unbroken history of decisions based on what was best for Spector, not his constituents nor the country.

But now the stage is set for the perfect partisan political storm. Absolutely nothing stands in our President’s way to drive the country in any direction he so chooses. But be careful what you wish for. This move goes a long way toward finally transferring ownership of the nation from Bush to Obama. As I have said before, success will certainly reward the Democrats, but they may now find that the coin has a second side. The Democrat Party now has the absolute power to fix or further flummox the nation. When things go wrong for them, the standard plaint “we inherited a mess” will carry less weight. They are now in a position to make things right, and the electorate will judge them accordingly.


Speaking of watersheds, If it transpires that Chrysler and GM unions gain majority ownership of the struggling automakers as it now appears, there will exist an historic opportunity to test the veracity of a century of bitter complaint. American unions cry consistent and loud that management deficiencies are the primary and perhaps only relevant factors in business failures, and level more powerful and incendiary charges that American business is the planetary Black Bart when dealing with the abused and downtrodden American worker. Perhaps now that they are poised to ascend to the driver’s seat we will have a chance to compare their stewardship to the oft discredited practices of the past. Be careful what you wish for…


I have watched daily White House press briefings since they were first televised nearly a half century ago. Never have I witnessed such genial, even convivial interaction between Press Secretary and the press. The laughter and good-natured banter often sounds more like a cocktail gathering of close acquaintances than a forum for digging out the truth. Make of this what you will, but I think it not unreasonable to suggest it supports kvetching from the right that the nation’s press corps is overwhelmingly liberal and therefore inclined (whether overtly or subliminally) to favor progressive causes. In any event it is abundantly clear that our watchdog press is snoozing through the greatest political shift in America since FDR.


May Day! Snow Day! Colorado is dry but as I depart the Gallatin Valley wending south, we may get an additional foot on the road today. I know I was just complaining about the lack of white precip, but I am ready for Spring. Be careful what you wish for…

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